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Planning Board Minutes 07/21/2010

P.O. BOX 602
(508) 696-4270


DATE:                   July 21, 2010   

TIME:                           7:03 P.M.

PLACE:                  Town Hall Annex, 66 High Point Lane

ATTENDANCE:             Aldrin, Peak, Seidman, Stephenson

BILLS:                  Patricia Harris...................................$879.60
                                MV Times………………………….$384.00
MEETING MINUTES:        As referred in the 14 July 2010 Meeting Agenda
                                2 June 2010     Deferred
           23 June 2010        Deferred
7 July 2010     Deferred
        14 July 2010    Deferred

7:03 PM House Business

Board of Selectmen’s plans for Bike Safety
At the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on July 20, 2010, Bill Veno and Mark London of the MV Commission made a presentation of the Shared Use Path proposals they’ve been exploring.  A second presentation followed shortly thereafter, in which Mr. LaPiana explained the technical details of the paths.

It appeared that the MV Commission, The Mass State Highway Department and other agencies were working together on a fairly extensive proposal to integrate a number of disconnected paths down island.

The Mass Highway Department was proposing to add a shared user path on the lagoon side of the permanent bridge and extend the path to the town landing where it was to connect to the existing path on Beach Road. The Mass State Highway Department was also considering a second path from Winds Up to the Tisbury Market Place which would  require extensive improvements  to accommodate a path.

Mr. Stephenson, who attended the meeting informed the Board that the MV Commission had spoken with the property owners to investigate whether or not they would support a shared user path from Maciel Marine to the Veteran’s Memorial Park, and understood that they did.

Mr. Stephenson reported that they were also recommending a bike route from Cromwell Lane to Skiff Ave., and a shared user path in the park to network the existing parallel paths. He in turn informed the Board of Selectmen that the Planning Board was interested in developing a more extensive pedestrian and bike system for downtown Vineyard Haven, which included better sidewalks, and other improvements to the infrastructure.

During the Board of Selectmen’s discussions, Mr. Israel recommended the creation of a bike/pedestrian committee. Messrs. Coogan and Krystal disagreed with the recommendation. Mr. Stephenson simply offered that the Planning Board would support the assistance of the committee.

Mr. Peak was advised that the Board of Selectmen never came back to discuss Mr. Thompson’s appointment. At 6:30 PM, Mr. Aldrin left the meeting so that they no longer had quorum. It was then suggested that the Board of Selectmen should consider meeting with the Board at a Planning Board’s meeting.  They agreed and discussed July 28, 2010 as  a potential date.

Mr. Peak reminded the Board that they had canceled the meeting on July 28, because they were not going to have a quorum. The Board referred to their schedule and recommended contacting Mr. Bugbee to inform him that they could entertain a joint meeting on August 11, 2010 at the earliest.

7:17 PM Public Hearing: Jeffrey Robinson – Form C Decision Amendment
                Attendance: Jeffrey Robinson and Aaron Robinson

The hearing commenced in due form at 7:17 PM. Planning Board Co-Chairman, Mr. Peak read the public hearing notice into the minutes and asked the Board members to introduce themselves to the applicants, and vice-versa.

Mr. Robinson explained that he had to reduce the length of the road by approximately 110 ft to relocate the turn around further down the north west corner of Lot No. 1 to accommodate a building site.

Aaron Robinson indicated that there was a hill on the property that interfered with the lot’s buildability. If they built the lot in its current configuration, the house would have been constructed at the bottom of the hill.

During the discussions, it was discovered that two different set of plans were submitted on the applicant’s behalf by the land surveyor. It was noted that the length of the revised subdivision road was varied (199.25’ vs. 183.25’). The applicant’s plan he had brought with him reflected the shorter length of 183.25’. It was the plan the applicant asked the Board to consider for tonight’s discussions. The Board agreed and directed the board secretary to inquire about the discrepancy and the plan he intended to submit with the application.

The Board members resumed the discussion and advised the applicant that they did not have an issue with the proposal, but were not able to make a determination at this time, until they received the Oak Bluffs Planning Board’s written comment.

Mr. Jefferson spoke with the Oak Bluffs Planning Board Chairman, Mr. Bradford about the amendment and understood that he did not have an issue with the revision. He did not know when they were going to meet to create an official response.

There being no further comment, Mr. Peak entertained a motion to continue the public hearing until 4 August 2010 at 7:45 PM to give Mr. Jefferson the opportunity to meet with the Planning Board of the Town of Oak Bluffs,  Mr. Aldrin so moved. Mr. Stephenson seconded the motion, which motion carried.  4/0/0

The Planning Board resumed their regularly scheduled session at 7:34 PM

7:39 PM Public Hearing (Cont): William Craffey, Special Permit Application
                Attendance: None
The continuation of the public hearing duly opened at 7:39 PM, at which time the Planning Board Co-Chairman, Mr. Peak read the notice into the minutes.

Mr. Peak informed the Board that the applicant was still being reviewed by the MV Commission. Until they received a written determination from the MV Commission, the Board was required to continue the hearing until 25 August 2010 at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall Annex.  Mr. Aldrin moved Mr. Peak’s recommendation. Mr. Stephenson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.  4/0/0

The Planning Board resumed their regularly scheduled meeting at 7:40 PM.

7:40 PM         Reid A. Dunn

Mr. Peak informed the board that he had updated the Planning Board’s letter to the MV Commission regarding Mr. Reid’s proposal for a new commercial building, and read a copy of his draft for the board’s approval. (See attached)

He mentioned that he did not add the information provided by the applicant’s attorney, and thought it was important to mention that it was Mr. Vincent’s opinion that the development of the designated spaces and the use of open space for parking appeared to be valid under the Master Deed.

Mr. Peak indicated that the one remaining issued to be addressed with town counsel was to make sure that the Planning Board could moved forward on the application. He wanted to make sure that the Planning Board was properly acting within the scope of their address.

Mr. Dunn inquired if Mr. Peak had prepared the Site Plan Review Board’s letter to the MV Commission. Mr. Peak replied that it was forthcoming.

Mr. Dunn mentioned that the traffic consultant had completed his report for the MV Commission, and submitted a copy to the Planning Board for their records. It was noted for the record that Robert F. Daylor’s traffic report included information about the project’s impact to the existing wetlands. Mr. Dunn reported that 65% of the vehicles entering the parking lot between 9A to 2P were the Net Results’ customers, and 40% of the parking spaces were utilized by employees.  Mr. Dunn mentioned that he had met with the Trustees to recommend the reversal in traffic flow, enforcing employee parking in the rear lot and monitoring the use of the lot to curb the number of scofflaws.


1. Regionalization

Mr. Seidman reported that he was attending the committee’s first meeting tomorrow, and was in the process of reading a paper written in 2008 about the failures and successes of regionalizing public services.


1.  Doug Reece, REMAX
RE: Letter of support/Tisbury Marina LLC

2. Reid A. Dunn
A. cc of Tisbury Market Place’s Trustee’s letter to the MV Commission, dated 13 April 2010
B. cc of Edward Vincent Jr.’s letter to Reid A. Dunn, General Partner relative to reserved rights

3. MV Commission
A. 22 July 2010 Meeting Agenda
B. 16 July 2010 Extended Schedule

4. Quinlan
RE: Zoning Bulletin, 25 June 2010

PRO FORM        Meeting opened, conducted and closed in due form at 8:30 P.M.   
                        (m/s/c  4/0/0)          
Respectfully submitted;
Patricia V. Harris, Secretary

APPROVAL:       Approved and accepted as official minutes;

______________  _________________________
Date            L. Anthony Peak